Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Training Snippet

Last time in the training section Kevin and I wrote about using uphill sprints in training. I thought perhaps some people would be interested in seeing how that fits into a training week. Below is a copy of my training schedule from Max for this week. (It is not the same as last week or next week.) The major objectives for me this month are to continue building aerobic power, and sprinting power/strength and sprinting endurance. Perhaps you'll find some ideas in here that you can try for yourself. Disclaimer/Caution: Understand that my training shouldn't be your training, and that my objectives right now might be different from yours right now. For reference, my current threshold power is near 300w. "Rest" means the recovery period between intervals/sets. The color coding is just my way of labeling the different kinds of efforts. The efforts are done in the order shown for a variety of reasons. Monday was an off day. (I apologize for the way this blog formats the Word file.)






2 hours
30’ warm up
2 x10’ 230-250w/rest 3’. 2 x 12’ alternating 3’ 220W
with 3’ 300W. 100+ RPM
2 sets x 3 reps x 15 sec sprints on flats,
seated, starting at 40 rpm. Rest 3/6’

2.5 hours
2x10' 250w at 100rpm.
1 progression from 200
to 320W in 5’ at 100-110 rpm
5 x 4’ hills at 320 W/80 rpm, rest 4’.
20’ flats at 240-260W

2.0 hours on flats: 2 x 10’ 230-240w.
1 x 10’ hill at 250-270 W/85 rpm.
2 sets x 3 reps x 20-25 sec uphill sprints, starting from 20-25 rpm.

Rest 4/8 ‘

Easy 1 hour or off

2.5 hours
30’ below 200W
1 x 15’ 220-240W on flats at 100 rpm,
rest 4’. 1 x 10’ 240-250W uphill/80 rpm, with last 2’ in progression to 320W. 2 x 5’ uphill, 300W/rest 5’

2.5 hours below 300W
3 x 8’ 250-280W on flats
Hills: 4 x 6’ 280-300W/rest 4’
Flats: 20’ 200-230W

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